Art Education Development

The La Quinta Art Association (LQAA)  received a Community Services Grant on October 3rd, 2017 from the City of La Quinta. With this assistance and donations from others, the LQAA can further develop and implement artistic outreach programs. The target/focus is limited to Elementary School aged students at this time. All activities and events will be offered at no cost to the student.

Starting April 2018, three LQAA members will begin scheduled visits to Truman Elementary School in La Quinta. This is possible through the the after school program known as ASES. These sessions will be up to two hour sessions with various art activities planned. The goal is to keep the students engaged in artistic interests and introduce them to new ways to express and create artistically.

A second set of events will begin in May 2018 called “Let’s Talk About Art”. Theses events will be hosted by the La Quinta Library on the third Thursdays of each month at 3:30. The LQAA is collaborating with the Library to offer this educational and art activity forum. The age selected for these classes is 8-11 years of age. The capacity is limited to 24 students. Pre-registration is available at the Library. These classes will each have a theme where professional artist(s) share pieces of their art that is relevant to the theme. There will be a brief discussion about the art, followed by educational highlights of the theme. The second half of the class will be an activity directly related to the theme. There will be an opportunity for the students to share their completed project with the class.

Futuristically, the LQAA plans to create a student Art Festival that will be hosted in the City of La Quinta. This event will invite students from around the Coachella Valley to exhibit their art. The art show will be titled “Hummingbird Festival of Art”.

The LQAA believes that a child deserves an opportunity to express and learn through hands on art activities.

Our first session of “Let’s Talk About Art”…..Hummingbird Theme. May 2018.